Friday, November 28, 2008

End of Campaign

Voting closes today at 5pm.

It has been a really fun campaign and I look forward to seeing who gets in on Sunday.

My biggest thanks must go to my ever-supportive wife Kythera and kids Ophelia and Jonas, as well as my running mate Les Mallett and campaign manager Dee-Ann Kelly.

I'd also like to thank those in the Greens Frankston branch that helped out and anyone who helped out with letterboxing, etc - especially Steph, Peta, Kath, Gillian and Alan.

Thanks also to those who e-mailed and showed support and challenged my ideas!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Frankston Independent, final week of campaign


GREENS candidates are urging the incoming Frankston Council to take over the city's 11 ABC Learning Centres after the Federal Government was forced to temporarily bail out the child-care giant.

South-West Ward's Jaymz Stevens and North-West Ward's Les Mallett say the council should be working with the Government to find a solution to the crisis that could see thousands of families without access when the interim package expires.

The Government and creditors have agreed to fund ABC Learning's 1040 child-care centres until December 31.

The council has been divesting itself of child-care and aged-care facilities in recent years, having sold its Milpara Park nursing home last year and closing the Amaroo child-care centre this year.
Its two remaining child-care providers, Candlebark and Lakewood, are widely considered industry leaders.

The Greens say councils should increase their role in children's services including child care, rather than spending money on the St Kilda Football Club relocation or the proposed marina.
"If the choice is between losing these services, or transferring them at no capital cost to council, then it is only right that council should explore this option," Mr Stevens said.
"The council manages two long-day care centres and could assess the cost of picking up the operational costs of the 11 ABC Learning Centres in the municipality and request Government assistance to transfer the centres to Frankston Council.
"In my view it would be much better to invest in Frankston's children than an AFL club or a marina to service the small minority of boat owners who want wet berthing facilities," he said.

Mr Mallett said it was not beyond the council's capabilities to provide child care with the support of the Government.
"Frankston Council can offer a sustainable model for the delivery of child care and one that is committed to high quality, accessible and affordable care for all," Mr Mallett said.
"They would be understandably nervous about bearing the cost of child care, so Federal Government support should be forthcoming to encourage council to extend their services into child care where possible."

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another idea!

An idea suggested by a resident which I'm very fond of is the concept of creating a shop as an outreach program to help young people attain Open University degrees. Frankston City has one of the lowest rates of tertiary education in Australia, and an outreach program could change that and reverse the cycle, so to speak. Grants could be available for people wishing to take the STAT exam (which gives you the ability to aim for a University course if you are mature-aged or just an early school-leaver) and computers and tutors could be provided for assistance with assignments.

Just another idea from one of the great Frankston residents! Keep them coming!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Important Voting Info

By now, you should have received your voting pack. If, for some strange reason, you have not received a reply paid envelope in their voting pack they can phone the Frankston branch of the Victorian Electoral Commission on 9770 5020 and be given a reply-paid address so you will not incur a cost for returning their ballot.

Good luck with your voting. Remember that your ballot must be received by 5pm, Friday 28th November. That means that you should send your ballot pack in by close of business Wednesday.

Results should be released for the South West Ward at around 4pm on Sunday 30th November.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

ABC Childcare should be put into the hands of Council - press release

Two local government candidates have called for Frankston City Council to take over the operational costs of local ABC Learning Childcare Centres, in the wake of the company’s recent liquidation and subsequent Federal funding.

Frankston City Council’s GREENS candidates, South West Ward’s JAYMZ STEVENS and North West Ward’s LES MALLETT have called on Council to work with the Federal Government to explore the possibility of integrating the many ABC Learning childcare centres in Frankston into Council’s children’s services.

“If the choice is between losing these services, or transferring them at no capital cost to Council, then it is only right that Council should explore this option. Frankston City Council currently manages two long day care centres and could assess the cost of picking up the operational costs of the seven ABC Learning Centres in the municipality and request federal government assistance to transfer the centres to Frankston City Council,” Mr Stevens said.

“Local governments play a vital role in the delivery of children’s services – from maternal and child health care to kindergarten programs. Long day care, occasional care and family day care are also delivered by Frankston City Council and the services are of an exceptionally high quality,” agreed fellow Greens candidate for North West Ward, Les Mallett.

“Local governments need to be included in discussions with the federal government about the future of ABC Childcare Centres in their municipality. Frankston City Council can offer a sustainable model for the delivery of childcare and one that is committed to high quality, accessible and affordable care for all,” said Mr Stevens.

As the federal government looks for solutions to ABC’s collapse, the Greens candidates believe that it could explore the relationship that local government has with children’s services and talk to Councils about supporting their role in the delivery of childcare. Council would be understandably nervous about bearing the cost of childcare, so federal government support should be forthcoming to encourage Council to extend their services into childcare where possible.

“Having a young family myself,” said Mr Stevens, “I strongly believe that we need to maintain and extend sustainable models of childcare provision. After all, childcare is just that – the care of our children. It’s too important to ignore.”

Sunday, November 16, 2008

EES Press Release

The GREENS candidates in the upcoming Frankston Council elections, South-West Ward’s JAYMZ STEVENS and North-West Ward’s LES MALLETT, along with the Greens spokesperson for Roads and Ports and member for Southern Metropolitan Region, Sue Pennecuik MLC, have branded the State Government’s Environmental Effects Statement process as a ‘sham’.

"Throughout the whole EES process, local community groups have been telling me that there has been little consultation with them… with the report finally released… only 5 weeks have been allowed for community members to digest more than 2000 pages of technical data and write submissions before a closing date of the 19th of December. This is all being done to meet a government imposed timetable to approve the Bypass by the end of March 2009", Ms Pennecuik said.

“It is impossible for the Government to seriously expect people to wade through all of the technical data to write a suitable submission in 5 weeks,” added Mr Stevens, “This highlights an arrogant, brazen attitude on the part of the State Government and SEITA. They followed the same process for the channel deepening and the same process for the desalination plant in Wonthaggi. The process is an absolute sham.”

Ms Pennecuik expressed a similar notion. “There is no credibility left in the EES process in Victoria,” she said.

The Greens candidates have long stated that they vehemently oppose the construction of the Frankston Bypass, especially the section of it that goes through the Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve. They also oppose the updated path that goes through less of the Reserve.

“It will still affect the habitats of many significant animals, including koalas, wallabies and the endangered Southern Brown Bandicoot,” said Mr Mallett, “just creating an overpass for these animals to reside will not change these effects.”

Mr Stevens and Mr Mallett are unimpressed with the study. They believe that public transport, as well as other road upgrade options were purposefully excluded from the study.

“Of the 30 different road options initially under consideration, three were put forward based solely on the advice of SEITA, the project proponent,” says Mr Mallett, “and what do you know? These options all propose to build the Bypass in full or major part!”

Both Greens candidates will be putting forward their own individual submissions on the EES. They encourage concerned residents to exercise their democratic right and write their own submissions.

The EES report can be viewed in full at the Frankston Library or at the Frankston Civic Centre.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More childcare for Council

I was asked today if I supported more Council-run childcare?

Having a young family, childcare is very important to me. Council-run childcare and Family Day Care are essential to enable families to meet the needs of the current economic climate. It helps people get back to work or study after having children.

The Greens have come out firing inrecent weeks, asking that childcare be moved back into the hands of the people in light of the recent ABC Childcare debacle.

If the government runs these childcare centres, they have more ownership and control over issues affecting parents and the children who attend the centres. The government would be accountable, and care would become a lot better as a result.