Sunday, November 16, 2008

EES Press Release

The GREENS candidates in the upcoming Frankston Council elections, South-West Ward’s JAYMZ STEVENS and North-West Ward’s LES MALLETT, along with the Greens spokesperson for Roads and Ports and member for Southern Metropolitan Region, Sue Pennecuik MLC, have branded the State Government’s Environmental Effects Statement process as a ‘sham’.

"Throughout the whole EES process, local community groups have been telling me that there has been little consultation with them… with the report finally released… only 5 weeks have been allowed for community members to digest more than 2000 pages of technical data and write submissions before a closing date of the 19th of December. This is all being done to meet a government imposed timetable to approve the Bypass by the end of March 2009", Ms Pennecuik said.

“It is impossible for the Government to seriously expect people to wade through all of the technical data to write a suitable submission in 5 weeks,” added Mr Stevens, “This highlights an arrogant, brazen attitude on the part of the State Government and SEITA. They followed the same process for the channel deepening and the same process for the desalination plant in Wonthaggi. The process is an absolute sham.”

Ms Pennecuik expressed a similar notion. “There is no credibility left in the EES process in Victoria,” she said.

The Greens candidates have long stated that they vehemently oppose the construction of the Frankston Bypass, especially the section of it that goes through the Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve. They also oppose the updated path that goes through less of the Reserve.

“It will still affect the habitats of many significant animals, including koalas, wallabies and the endangered Southern Brown Bandicoot,” said Mr Mallett, “just creating an overpass for these animals to reside will not change these effects.”

Mr Stevens and Mr Mallett are unimpressed with the study. They believe that public transport, as well as other road upgrade options were purposefully excluded from the study.

“Of the 30 different road options initially under consideration, three were put forward based solely on the advice of SEITA, the project proponent,” says Mr Mallett, “and what do you know? These options all propose to build the Bypass in full or major part!”

Both Greens candidates will be putting forward their own individual submissions on the EES. They encourage concerned residents to exercise their democratic right and write their own submissions.

The EES report can be viewed in full at the Frankston Library or at the Frankston Civic Centre.

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